


This document shows you how you can integrate Callgoose SQIBS with Prometheus. Incidents will be creating in Callgoose SQIBS when there is a incident created in Prometheus as per the Alert rule configured by you in the Prometheus

This documentation is created to test the Integration between different vendors. Different application monitors and different environments may require different values to get a meaningful incident and incident description.

In Callgoose SQIBS

 Create filter  as per the Prometheus workflows.

  • For test purpose, create an API filter like this


Note: After test, create suitable API filter values depending on the payload sent by Prometheus to create a meaningful incident.

In Prometheus

  1. Create a Callgoose SQIBS webhook endpoint in Prometheus Ensure you have installed Prometheus Alertmanager before that. Log into the Prometheus monitoring system and edit the alertmanager configuration file alertmanager.yml and add the receiver to callgoose-sqibs

# A default receiver
   receiver: 'callgoose-sqibs'
   - name: 'callgoose-sqibs'
       - url: 'https://xxxxxxxx.callgoose.com/sqibs-api/v1/process?from=theus&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
       send_resolved: true

  • You can use this receiver: 'callgoose-sqibs' in any of your alert routes.
  • Below is the sample

-> alertmanager.yml file

   group_by: ['alertname']
   group_wait: 10s
   group_interval: 30s
   repeat_interval: 10m
# A default receiver
   receiver: 'callgoose-sqibs'
   - name: 'callgoose-sqibs'
       - url: 'https://xxxxxxxx.callgoose.com/sqibs-api/v1/process?from=theus&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
       send_resolved: true
   - source_match:
   severity: 'critical'
   severity: 'warning'
   equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance']

  • All the values must be in Json format. Since these values are already in Json key format, No action required from your end to change it to Json format

  • Please make sure to set “send_resolved: true” in the alertmanager.yml to get resolved notification from Prometheus as per your requirements.

  • Please make sure you have added API filter contains values in Callgoose SQIBS before you send test notifications to create the incident in Callgoose SQIBS. You may also add API filter after checking API Log

Sample rule file node_exporter_rules.yml in the prometheus

Below is the sample

-> alertmanager.yml file

   - name: alert_rules
       - alert: HostDown
         expr: up == 0
         for: 1m
           severity: critical
           summary: "Host is down - [{{ $labels.instance }}]"
           description: "Host is down for more than 1 minute - [ {{ $labels.instance }}] - [{{ $labels.job }}] "
       - alert: DiskSpaceFree10Percent
         expr: node_filesystem_free_percent <= 10
           severity: warning
           summary: "Host [{{ $labels.instance }}] has 10% or less Free disk space"
           description: "[{{ $labels.instance }}] has only {{ $value }} % or less free."

How to test

Shutdown the node_exporter host

Check the Prometheus Web GUI

You can see that HostDown


Check the Prometheus alertmanager Web GUIYou can see that Alert is created for HostDown


You can also see that this HostDown notification created an incident in Callgoose SQIBS.


  • When Prometheus payload 'status' value is 'firing,' it triggers an incident in SQIBS. Likewise, when the 'status' is 'resolved,' it automatically resolves the incident in SQIBS.

Reference - Prometheus


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