This document shows you how you can integrate Callgoose SQIBS with Pingdom.
Incidents will be creating in Callgoose SQIBS when there is a incident created in Pingdom as per the workflows configured by you in the Pingdom.
In Callgoose SQIBS
Create filter as per the Pingdom workflows.
- For test purpose, create an API filter like this
In Pingdom
- Click on Settings ==> Integrations
2. Click on Add Integration
3. Fill the following in 'Add integrations'
4. Check Active Radio button to activate webhook.
Select the created webhook,you will be able to see the test incident created by this alert from Pingdom in the Incident Dashboard or the Incident List in SQIBS.
- When Pingdom payload 'current_state' value is 'DOWN,' it triggers an incident in SQIBS. Likewise, when the 'UP' is 'resolved,' it automatically resolves the incident in SQIBS.