

How to send API

This guide helps you to send API calls and make Incidents.

Steps to send API

  1. Find out the API Endpoint.

    Open the API Token tab. From there you can see the API End Point inside the info.

  2. Send API call

    Use the API endpoint and send the payload content using POST.

    We use Bearer authentication. For that, you need to use a Header named Authorization and use Bearer <APITOKEN> as the value.

    To know more about API Token, taphere.

    curl --location --request POST 'https://************' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <api token>' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{
        "title": "This is title",
        "content": "This is content"
    • Replace the https://************ with the API endpoint from your dashboard
    • Replace the Bearer <api_token> with your API Token
    We only support string/text type Content-type(application/json, text/plain, text/html, etc...). Unsupported Content-type payload(audio/mpeg, image/png, etc...) will be considered as empty payload.
    Handle Response

    Based on the payload content and API token, we will process the payload with ApiFilter you created earlier.

    The response data & codes you receive will be:

        "id": "api-id",
        "resolved": { // incident resolved detailed object
          "duplicate": true/false, // true if the request was a duplicate within a specific time
          "resolved": true/false // true if the resolved filter is successful
        "triggered": { // incident triggered detailed object
          "duplicate": true/false, // true if the request was a duplicate within a specific time
          "created": true/false // true if a new incident was created
    200 - Successfully processed the request and resolved Incident(s).
    201 - Successfully processed the request and created Incident(s) and resolved if applicable.
    202 - Successfully processed the request but there is no valid filter available to create/resolve Incident.
    208 - Duplicate api request. We have already got and processed a similar one earlier within a specific time limit.
    401 - Unauthorized request
    500 - Server encountered a temporary error and could not complete the request at that moment. Please try again.


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