

User Roles

Lets know about different categories of users.

Categories of Roles.

There are 2 categories of Roles.

1. Global Roles

  • Global Admin
  • Stakeholder

Can use only inside the Users tab. This will be the role that can use inside the workspace. If a user is assigned any Global Role and not present in a team, then the Team Role related to the Global Role will be used inside that team.

2. Team Roles

  • Team manager
  • Responder
  • Observer

Can use it as a Global Role and can use it inside a team. If a user is under a team with a lower role and the Global Role is a higher one, But inside that team, only the team role will be enabled. Team Roles have higher priority over Global Roles under a team.

1 . Global Admin

This is the role for an admin. A Global admin can do all the following functionalities.

  • Invite new user.
  • Create or delete a team.
  • Can change the role of other users in teams and users tab.
  • Create/Acknowledge/Resolve/Reassign Incidents.
  • View and download all reports and logs.
  • Create, edit, or delete a Schedule.
  • Create, edit, or delete a Service.
  • Create an schedule-override.
  • Create, edit, or delete an escalation policy.
  • Create, edit, or delete api token.
  • Control reseller related settings like VOICE, IVR, LANGUAGE

This is a Global Role. The Team Role related with this is Team manager.

2 . Stakeholder

This is the role for a user who can view all things related under the workspace, but not edit them.
A Stakeholder can :

  • View Incidents.
  • View teams.
  • View users.
  • View and download all reports and logs (except user report).
  • View schedule.
  • View Escalation policy.
  • View Services.

This is a Global Role. The Team Role related with this is Observer.

3 . Team manager

This is a Team Role. But you can use this as a Global Role to restrict the unwanted privileges inside the workspace. As the name suggests this role is used by the end user who manage the Team.
A Team manager can :

  • Add user to team.
  • Can change the role of other users in teams.
  • Create/Acknowledge/Resolve/Reassign Incidents under that team.
  • View and download all reports and logs under that team.
  • Create, edit, or delete a Schedule under that team.
  • Create, edit, or delete a Service under that team.
  • Create an schedule-override under that team.
  • Create, edit, or delete an escalation policy under that team.
  • Create, edit, or delete api token under that team.

4 . Responder

This is a Team Role. But you can use this as a Global Role to restrict the unwanted privileges inside the workspace. As the name suggests this role is used by the end user who responds to the incidents.
A Responder can :

  • Create/Acknowledge/Resolve/Reassign Incidents under that team.
  • View schedule, Escalation policy, Services under that team.
  • View and download Notification log, Incident report under that team.

5 . Observer

This is a Team Role. But you can use this as a Global Role to restrict the unwanted privileges inside the workspace. As the name suggests this role is used by the end user who only observes the team.
A Observer can :

  • View Incidents under that team.
  • View schedule, Escalation policy, Services under that team.
  • View and download Notification log, Incident report, API log and Email log under that team.

Stakeholder/Observer can receive incident notification if the user assigned to an incident or by using them inside an escalation policy(by using schedule or selecting the user directly). But they can only see incidents. Can’t do any other incident actions.


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