


This section covers frequently asked questions related to SQIBS product


What are the valid email addresses that send me emails from SQIBS?
CALLGOOSE and sub products(SQIBS, etc...) will email you from only either one of:
1. Email addresses that ends with @callgoose.com
2. callgoose.com@gmail.com
From which phone number will I receive the call?
Depending on your country, you can expect call from one of the following numbers.
1. Singapore Number ( All other countries will get call from this Singapore number ) : +65 66103851
2. USA Number ( All Singapore numbers will get call from this USA number ) : +1 3322447810
I'm getting multiple calls after I reject a call from SQIBS.
You should pick up the call and disconnect. Otherwise, you may get multiple calls.
How do I switch from the Reseller email to another email? Or use Reseller in Sqibs.
You can’t change the reseller email. But Reseller can be use their email to create a SQIBS user account. Both will be independent with each-other. To create a new SQIBS user account, invite the specific email as a user from Reseller dashboard.
When a reseller is not available, are there any alternative Sqibs user roles that can continue to manage the account with Callgoose?
Callgoose account payment related functionality can be done by a Callgoose SQIBS user, if the reseller given enough permission to do so. A Reseller can make a SQIBS user to handle payment by giving Payment Handler permission. To know more Tap Here . And all the workspace related management can done by a Global Admin user.
Reseller set up English, and team members set up their own preferred languages in accordance with their geographical locations. What language do phone call, SMS, email and push notifications come in? What language can we use it in API or email endpoints?
The language is a high level setting. One Reseller’s workspace can use one language. Only Global admins can change the values. There fore all the operations inside that workspace is expected to use that selected language. Each user can change their dashboard’s language. But that won’t reflect in API or Email end points, etc. It only translate English contents of dashboard to the selected language.
How can I change the SQIBS user phone number?
Open profile tab, and then change the number. You should keep in mind that the phone number that used in a notification rule can’t be changed/removed. You should handle the notification rule before to remove/update the number.
How long will it take for the changes to appear after we change the SQIBS user Phone number?
Instant. There is no delay.
Is it possible to change SQIBS user's email address?
No. The user's account-related email cannot be changed.
I can't recall the SQIBS user password. How can I reset my password? What other options do I have to immediately log in?
Using the Forgot Password feature on the sign-in page, you can reset your password. You can utilise OTP login to log in right away. To log in, you simply need to confirm an OTP that was sent to your email.
My team member is no longer employed by the Company. We want to remove those users and add new users, but we also want to save the incident history associated with the old user. What are our options?
You can remove users from your workpace. Incident history won’t deleted. But the user details will be removed. From the incident’s side or incident report side, you can still see their name.
Is it possible to set each SQIBS user's time zone differently?
Yes. Each user is able to choose a different time zone. However, that time zone is only relevant for their own dashboard. Depending on their preferred time zone, the incident's related time, will be shown.
How can I override the On-call schedule ?
You can override a schedule by using Create override buttons present under On-call shift tab, Schedule’s detailed section. To know more Tap Here
How can I takeover the On-call schedule ?
You can override a schedule by using Create override buttons present under On-call shift tab, Schedule’s detailed section. To know more Tap Here . When creating override, select yourself as the user to takeover the On-call schedule.
Is any Role can change the On-call schedule ?
Yes. The Global admin or Team manager can create,update or delete any on-call schedules.
How long will it take for the modifications to take effect once we modify the On-call schedule?
Instant. However, if a user had an incident already processed before the modification took effect, it wouldn't apply to that incident. It will happen instantly for a new incident.
Who has the authority to create the On-call Schedule?
The Global admin or Team manager can create,update or delete any on-call schedules.
Is it possible for SQIBS user to change their on-call schedule?
Only Global admin or Team manager can edit on-call schedule.
How can I add the API filter ?
Follow the complete guideline, To know more Tap Here
I've added a new API filter as well as an email filter. When will it reflect in the system?
It may take upto 10 minutes to reflect.
I have added the new API filter and I don’t see that it is creating the incident ? What are the reasons? Where can I see the API log?
It may take upto 10 minutes to reflect the new API filter in our system. And also make sure that the filter is configured correctly to process API request and create Incident. If the Api request doesn’t meet the filter rule, then it won’t create incidents. You can see all the API request of yours in API Log. Select the Api Log tab.
Do you reject any API request ?
We do not reject any API request that contains a valid API token. However, incident generation will only occur based on the API filter.
I still don't know what the third-party application's payload to Callgoose SQIBS is. How can I make an API filter?
We recommend that you test the payload specifics of your application. The payload details can be found in the API Log EXTRA column. Check the payload data delivered by your application and create appropriate API filters based on that data. The creation of an incident is dependent on the API filters.
How do I create ‘API filter’ for a new application? I don’t know the payload details of the application which send to Callgoose SQIBS
If you don’t know the payload details related with that application , You may create API filter later after setting up the Webhook to Callgoose SQIBS. Whenever that third party application send API request to Callgoose SQIBS, it will be showing in the API Log – EXTRA . Verify the EXTRA in the API Log and you can see all the payload details there. You can create API Filter using this EXTRA details. Once you create an API Filter, the Incident will be triggered next time.
How can I add the Email filter ?
Follow the complete guideline Tap here to know more
I have added the new Email filter and I don’t see that it is creating the incident ? What are the reasons? Where can I see the Email log?
It may take upto 10 minutes to reflect the new EMAIL filter in our system. And also make sure the filter is configured to process the email correctly and create Incident. If the email doesn’t meet the filter rule, then it won’t create incidents. You can see all the email logs of yours in Email Log. Select the Email Log tab.
Can I assign Global admin permission to other users ?
Yes. From the Users tab, A Global admin can change other user’s roles to anything.
Is ‘Stakeholder’ role can change any incident ?
No. Stakeholder can only see incidents. Can’t do any other incident actions.
Is ‘Stakeholder’ can receive the Incident Notifications?
Yes. Stakeholder can receive incident notification if the user assigned to an incident or by using the Stakeholder user inside an escalation policy(by using schedule or selecting the user directly). But Stakeholder can only see incidents. Can’t do any other incident actions.
I have changed the escalation policy. How long will it take to reflect the changes?
Instant. But for the already processed Incident’s it won’t change.
You can setup API and EMAIL integration together at a time for a service. But we recommend to use API Integration.
My email has been rejected by the Callgoose Email system, what can I do ?
Please contact the support with your Email details and Mail server details and we advise you further on this.
I’m doing some maintenance in my product and I don’t want it to alert to any of the team member. How can I Pause or Put the service in to maintenance mode?
You can schedule a maintenance on the specific Service, or you can disable a service to stop alerting Incidents under that Service.I put the service into Maintenance mode.
Is it automatically Exit the Maintenance period of the service after certain period of time or I need to manually Exit the Maintenance period of the service ?
Maintenance mode will exit automatically. Maintenance will only take place under a specific time limit set by you. So there will be an end.
Is it possible to disable the Service for Longer time ?
Yes. You can disable a service up to your own choice of time. It will only enable, if you manually enable it from dashboard.
Where can I see the incident MTTA and MTTR?
Open the User report. You can see Mean Time To Acknowledge(MTTA) Mean Time To Resolve (MTTR) respected with each user there.
I can see Global API token , Team API token , Service API token. What is the purpose of these different categorized API token ?
Different type of API Token is used to provide the API request to some specific services and if they are valid based on configured API filter, then will create Incident.
1. Global API Token : Will check all of your Services under all the Teams.
2. Team API Token : Will check all of your Services under the specific Team.
3. Service API Token : Will check your Service only.

To know more Tap Here
We are developing a software and we would like to use your API endpoint. Is it possible to integrate directly into your code ?
Yes. You only need to create a POST request with valid JSON payload to our endpoint. To know more Tap Here
I want to setup my Company number as ‘Caller ID’ when I receive the Phone call notification. How can I setup this ?
‘Dedicated Caller ID’ is only available in ‘Dedicated Plan’. You can contact the support and support will advise you further about this. You may have to show the proof of the ownership of the number.
I don’t see the Integration guide for a specific product. How can I get support ?
You can contact the support with Product details and we will guide you on how you can integrate your product with Callgoose SQIBS
I have a custom product and I would like to integrate this with Callgose SQIBS. How can I get support?
You can contact the support with your custom product details and we will guide you on how you can integrate your product with Callgoose SQIBS
What is the incoming Webhook logic ?
Third party application send the header and payload data to Callgoose SQIBS API. Callgoose SQIBS API will check the payload contents and process the request based on predefined API filter values you created earlier. To know more Tap Here
How Callgoose SQIBS changing the Incident status depends upon the ‘Third party applications’ Webhook values?
You can create API filters to trigger or resolve incidents. Based on the filter and the API request payload SQIBS will create/resolve incidents. To know more Tap Here
I’m getting ‘Token expired error’ when I sign in to sqibs user dashboard. what is the reason?
There are chances that ‘Token expired’ after certain period of time due to inactive session. In such cases you will have to log out and sign in again. And if there is multiple tabs using SQIBS, then it may make this error in any of the tab. It is recommended to use 1 tab in 1 browser for SQIBS.
What if I don’t see an integration I need?
Please open a ticket with Support and we will guide you to integrate your application with Callgoose SQIBS.
If the preferred language doesn’t support male voices?
When a language doesn't support male voice, then the voice change to female and all the TTS voices will change to the female voice with specific language. TTS voices are depends on preferred language.
I added multiple Notification option. Phone call, SMS, Email,Push Notification . Can I get all Notification at a time?
No. You can select only one medium at a time. The difference between 2 notification rule must be at least 1 minute.
How can change the Gender voice of the IVR?
Voices which are uploaded by you won’t change. But for the TTS voices, you can change the gender by changing the preferred voice setting.
I don’t have my own voice file but I want to setup IVR in my language. Is it possible ?
Yes. You can add TTS(Text to speech). You only need to enter the content in your language. We will create the voice for you. Make sure you selected the specific language as your preferred language.
Can I upload my own voice as IVR? What are type of voice supported ? How long will it take to reflect the changes after setting new IVR? Who can setup the IVR ?
Yes. You can upload your own voice as IVR. MP3 and WAV files are supported. The files must not exceeds 10MB. Global Admin can change the IVR settings and it may take up to 10 minutes to reflect.


Advanced Automation platform with effective On-Call schedule, real-time Incident Management and Incident Response capabilities that keep your organization more resilient, reliable, and always on

Callgoose SQIBS can Integrate with any applications or tools you use. It can be monitoring, ticketing, ITSM, log management, error tracking, ChatOps, collaboration tools or any applications

Callgoose providing the Plans with Unique features and advanced features for every business needs at the most affordable price.

Unique Features

  • 30+ languages supported
  • IVR for Phone call notifications
  • Dedicated caller id
  • Advanced API & Email filter
  • Tag based maintenance mode

Signup for a freemium plan today &
Experience the results.

No credit card required