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Profile Git Entry Files
The Git Entry File is a YAML file that contains all the essential configuration details. It serves as the core setup for the process and needs to be placed in the designated path within the Git repository. Specifically, the file should be stored in the folder where all related files are located. Ensuring the Git Entry File is correctly placed and properly formatted is crucial for the proper execution of the associated processes.
Ensure that all the Profile files are placed inside a folder, and the Git Entry File is also placed in the same folder.
1. Profiles created for Out Of the Box Integration.
2. Profiles created under Cg Automation Runner.
The Git Entry File syntax varies for each action type and differs for both types of Profiles.
Ansible Profile Git Entry File
The following is the syntax of the Git Entry file for an Ansible Profile.
Out of the Box Integration:
profile: ansible: # Ansible inventory file (e.g., inventory.ini or hosts.yml). # This file defines the hosts and groups that Ansible will manage during playbook execution. # Enter the file name only. ansibleInventoryFile: "" # Ansible configuration file (e.g., ansible.cfg). # This file contains settings that control Ansible's behavior, such as default inventory paths, module settings, and other preferences. # Enter the file name only. ansibleCfgFile: "" # The username Ansible will use to connect to target hosts (e.g., the option for Ansible is '-u username', # but there's no need to add -u here; just provide the username). user: "" # Any additional options. For example: "ansible_ssh_timeout=30" # It is optional. You can leave it as empty. options: ""
Internal profile:
profile: ansible: # Command to access the ansible playbook. Eg: "ansible-playbook" # You may use the full path if required. Eg: "/usr/bin/ansible-playbook" commandToRun: "ansible-playbook" # Ansible inventory file (e.g., inventory.ini or hosts.yml). # This file defines the hosts and groups that Ansible will manage during playbook execution. # Enter the file name only. ansibleInventoryFile: "" # Ansible configuration file (e.g., ansible.cfg). # This file contains settings that control Ansible's behavior, such as default inventory paths, module settings, and other preferences. # Enter the file name only. ansibleCfgFile: "" # The username Ansible will use to connect to target hosts (e.g., the option for Ansible is '-u username', # but there's no need to add -u here; just provide the username). user: "" # Any additional options. For example: "ansible_ssh_timeout=30" # It is optional. You can leave it as empty. options: ""
Bash Profile Git Entry File
The following is the syntax of the Git Entry file for a Bash Profile.
Out of the Box Integration:
There is no option to add Git for the Bash type.
Internal profile:
profile: bash: # Command to access the bash. Eg: "bash" # You may use the full path if required. Eg: "/usr/bin/bash" commandToRun: "bash"
Kubernetes Profile Git Entry File
The following is the syntax of the Git Entry file for a Kubernetes Profile.
Out of the Box Integration:
profile: ansible: # Kubernetes configuration file(e.g., kubeconfig.yaml). # This file contains the necessary information to connect to your Kubernetes cluster and manage resources. # Enter the file name only. kubernetesCfgFile: ""
Internal profile:
profile: ansible: # Command to access the ansible playbook. Eg: "ansible-playbook" # You may use the full path if required. Eg: "/usr/bin/ansible-playbook" commandToRun: "ansible-playbook" # Kubernetes configuration file(e.g., kubeconfig.yaml). # This file contains the necessary information to connect to your Kubernetes cluster and manage resources. # Enter the file name only. kubernetesCfgFile: ""
PowerShell Profile Git Entry File
The following is the syntax of the Git Entry file for a Poweshell Profile.
Out of the Box Integration:
There is no option to add Git for the Powershell type.
Internal profile:
profile: powershell: # Command to access the powershell. Eg: "pwsh" # You may use the full path if required. Eg: "/usr/bin/pwsh" commandToRun: "pwsh"
Python Profile Git Entry File
The following is the syntax of the Git Entry file for a Python Profile.
Out of the Box Integration:
There is no option to add Git for the Python type.
Internal profile:
profile: python: # Command to access the python. Eg: "python" # You may use the full path if required. Eg: "/usr/bin/python3" commandToRun: "python"
SSH Profile Git Entry File
The following is the syntax of the Git Entry file for an SSH Profile.
Out of the Box Integration:
profile: ssh: # The username SSH will use to connect to the remote server (e.g., the option for SSH is 'ssh username@host', # but there's no need to add 'username@' here; just provide the username). user: "" # The hostname or IP address of the remote server you want to connect to via SSH (e.g., the option for SSH is 'ssh username@host', # but there's no need to add 'username@' here; just provide the hostname or IP address). host: "" # The port number for the SSH connection port: 22 # Any additional options. For example: "-o ConnectTimeout=10" # It is optional. You can leave it as empty. options: ""
Internal profile:
profile: ssh: # Command to access the ssh. Eg: "ssh" # You may use the full path if required. Eg: "/usr/bin/ssh" commandToRun: "ssh" # The username SSH will use to connect to the remote server (e.g., the option for SSH is 'ssh username@host', # but there's no need to add 'username@' here; just provide the username). user: "" # The hostname or IP address of the remote server you want to connect to via SSH (e.g., the option for SSH is 'ssh username@host', # but there's no need to add 'username@' here; just provide the hostname or IP address). host: "" # The port number for the SSH connection port: 22 # Any additional options. For example: "-o ConnectTimeout=10" # It is optional. You can leave it as empty. options: ""
Terraform Profile Git Entry File
The following is the syntax of the Git Entry file for a Terraform Profile.
Out of the Box Integration:
There is no option to add Git for the Terraform type.
Internal profile:
profile: terraform: # Command to access the terraform. Eg: "terraform" # You may use the full path if required. Eg: "/usr/bin/terraform" commandToRun: "terraform"
The following is an example for the SSH type profiles.
Out of the Box Integration:
profile: ssh: # The username SSH will use to connect to the remote server (e.g., the option for SSH is 'ssh username@host', # but there's no need to add 'username@' here; just provide the username). user: "callgoose_sqibs_user" # The hostname or IP address of the remote server you want to connect to via SSH (e.g., the option for SSH is 'ssh username@host', # but there's no need to add 'username@' here; just provide the hostname or IP address). host: "callgoose-sqibs-git-profile" # The port number for the SSH connection port: 22 # Any additional options. For example: "-o ConnectTimeout=10" # It is optional. You can leave it as empty. options: "-o ConnectTimeout=10 -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
Internal profile:
profile: ssh: # Command to access the ssh. Eg: "ssh" # You may use the full path if required. Eg: "/usr/bin/ssh" commandToRun: "ssh" # The username SSH will use to connect to the remote server (e.g., the option for SSH is 'ssh username@host', # but there's no need to add 'username@' here; just provide the username). user: "callgoose_sqibs_user" # The hostname or IP address of the remote server you want to connect to via SSH (e.g., the option for SSH is 'ssh username@host', # but there's no need to add 'username@' here; just provide the hostname or IP address). host: "callgoose-sqibs-git-profile" # The port number for the SSH connection port: 22 # Any additional options. For example: "-o ConnectTimeout=10" # It is optional. You can leave it as empty. options: "-o ConnectTimeout=10 -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"