

Create an Incident

You can create incidents through WEB, by sending EMAIL or using API.

To create using WEB

  1. Select CREATE NEW INCIDENT button at the top right of the main window.
  2. You will be redirected to the incident add page. Add Title, description(optional), select a user or escalation policy(optional), select an urgency and select a service.
  3. Click the SAVE button.


To know how to create an incident using EMAIL or API click here
Note :
Duplicate incidents will be discarded if the source is other than WEB. We will discard request having the same content with in 10 minutes. For API you can see the discarded contents inside Api log  and for EMAIL you can see the discarded contents inside Email log

Alert deduplication and Advanced Alert Noise Suppression

Duplicate alerts or events will be discarded if the source is other than Callgoose SQIBS Web Interface. We will discard requests having the same content within 10 minutes. You can modify this time frame from 10 minutes to your choice according to your requirements.


Advanced Automation platform with effective On-Call schedule, real-time Incident Management and Incident Response capabilities that keep your organization more resilient, reliable, and always on

Callgoose SQIBS can Integrate with any applications or tools you use. It can be monitoring, ticketing, ITSM, log management, error tracking, ChatOps, collaboration tools or any applications

Callgoose providing the Plans with Unique features and advanced features for every business needs at the most affordable price.

Unique Features

  • 30+ languages supported
  • IVR for Phone call notifications
  • Dedicated caller id
  • Advanced API & Email filter
  • Tag based maintenance mode

Signup for a freemium plan today &
Experience the results.

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