

Payment FAQ

This section covers frequently asked questions related to Payment


What does this credit mean?
CALLGOOSE calculates call minutes and SMS as credits, Each call costs a certain number of credits per minute depending on the call destination. In case of USA call credit is 1, If the credit balance is 5, the call limit will be 5 minutes.
What will be the validity of a plan?
All plan's validity is depends up on the maintenance period you selected when you purchase the product
Reseller who bought this product is no longer with the company? How can we change the Reseller to a new user?
That is not possible. The email that used to create the Reseller account can’t be changed. Make sure you use an email that is not dependent on persons. And also we recommend changing the password if anything like the Reseller account manager changed.
Is any other roles that can continue to maintain the account with Callgoose when the reseller is not available?
Callgoose account payment-related functionality can be done by a Callgoose SQIBS user if the reseller is given enough permission to do so. A Reseller can make an SQIBS user handle the payment by giving Payment Handler permission. To know more tap here(link tosqibs-payment ). And all the workspace-related management can be done by a Global Admin user.
Where can I see my credit usage details? Can I set up credit threshold notification? How can I top up my credit? Is there any way to auto-top up the credit when it reaches the credit threshold?

• You can see the credit and other usage details within the Callgoose dashboard. Select the Active plans tab to see all the usage details.
• If the credit balance falls to 20%, we will notify you through email. There is no need to set up anything. It will be done automatically.
• You can top-up your credit by selecting the Topup tab. To know more tap here.
• There is no option to auto-top-up the credit. You need to manually do the top-up. But the plan renewal can be done automatically using a subscription.
How will I get to know about my low credit balance?
You will get an email regarding low credit for each product if credit goes less than 80%.
What will happen if I do another plan purchase before the previous plan expires?
If selected the same plan, the credit will carry forward as per the terms and conditions. Else the new plan will be activated(No credit carry forward). The old plan’s expiry will be discarded.
Will the credit balance be carried forward to my next purchase after the expiry of the last plan purchase?
No. You should renew the same plan before the expiry to become eligible for credit carry forward.
Are there any other charges than the plan cost?
Yes, There will be GST and transaction costs as per the payment gateway
How the final amount or final price is calculated?
With the plan package price, GST and other duties/ cess/ any other charges as per the country tax law were added. With that amount, payment gateway service charges will be also included. If GST or any other duties are included you can see them on the invoice.
Can I pay in foreign currency?
Yes, You can pay in a different currency based on the selected payment gateway conversion process.
Where can I download my invoice after purchase?
Follow the below steps:-
Go to Home -> Payment -> invoice
Here you can see all your purchases, and there you can download all your invoices as per the purchases made.
How can I edit my billing address?
Follow the below steps:-
Go to Home -> Payment -> Billing Address
Here you can see and edit “Name, Email, Company Name, Phone number, Address, Pincode”. After editing click on update, and the billing address will be saved. Please note that You are not able to change the country.
What are the payment options available for buying your product?
We do support subscriptions using payment gateways(Stripe, Paypal) and One-time payment using Manual bank transactions. On an existing subscription, you can Topup plan to increase credit. Find more info here.
How can I set-up the payment subscription?
Purchase a product using any of the payment gateways(Stripe, Paypal). It will auto-create a subscription.
What will happen if I cancel the payment subscription?
When you cancel, you still can use the service up to the current expiry. After the expiry, you need to purchase a new plan to continue to use our service.
My primary payment subscription is not working, How can I set up an alternative method?
Depends on the payment gateway you use to create a subscription. We callgoose doesn’t store your payment details. If the payment gateway is not providing such a feature, then you need to cancel the current subscription and make a new one with an alternative method.
I want to directly send the money from our company Bank account. Is that possible?
Yes. You can use the Manual payment mode to purchase. Find more info here.
I want to close the account with Callgoose. What can I do? Do you delete the data if I close the account with Callgoose?
To delete the callgoose account follow the below steps:-
Go to Home -> Profile
Here you can see Delete account, by clicking on that you will get an alert that all your data will be erased, by clicking ok your account will be deleted after a specific time limit. All the data will be removed except call logs and invoices for a period of time due to current law.
Is there any way you can set up a payment reminder?
You will get emails when:
• Credit reached 20%
• Subscription renewal successful or failed.
• Expired current plan

Where can I see the payment history? How long you will keep the invoices and payment history?
Go to Home -> Payment
Here you can see all your purchases, and there you can download all your invoices as per the purchases made. We will keep the old invoice as long as you are using our service.
I received a Callgoose discount coupon. How can I utilize that?
Use the coupon while purchasing the product. If the coupon is related to a product, then you can only use the coupon while buying the specific product with a specific maintenance period. Find more info here.


Advanced Automation platform with effective On-Call schedule, real-time Incident Management and Incident Response capabilities that keep your organization more resilient, reliable, and always on

Callgoose SQIBS can Integrate with any applications or tools you use. It can be monitoring, ticketing, ITSM, log management, error tracking, ChatOps, collaboration tools or any applications

Callgoose providing the Plans with Unique features and advanced features for every business needs at the most affordable price.

Unique Features

  • 30+ languages supported
  • IVR for Phone call notifications
  • Dedicated caller id
  • Advanced API & Email filter
  • Tag based maintenance mode

Signup for a freemium plan today &
Experience the results.

No credit card required